At the age of 24 I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma. It's a very common form of skin cancer usually found in much older adults. It is slow growing and very treatable. Though, If left untreated, it could spread and cause problems.
So, how did I get it? Well, honestly, I was told it was from too much sun but I believe that it's from STRESS, the amount of CHEMICALS found in everything we ingest and put on our body, and only a small percentage from the sun.
Stress does so much to a body and you may never even realize it. When you stress your body's automatic response is to release adrenaline because it thinks it's a fight, or flight situation. For a short period of time your immune system increases, your muscles contract and your entire body prepares itself against harm. Your body has no idea what's really going on. In the long run you become fatigued and susceptible to sickness because your body can't stay in a constant fight or flight mode. Your healthy gut flora has been depleted, your immune system is shot, you are constantly sore, you may not sleep well, you may be eating/over eating less than benificial foods, maybe you're not even eating at all and you're mentally and emotionally exhausted. You've just opened the door for illness.
The meds you just picked up from the doc will help, right? They might mask or reduce symptoms for the time being, but in reality, you just killed any good bacteria left in your already fragile body.
So you continue to make poor food choices, not sleep well, and create a perfect environment for unwelcome guests. On top of what's going on inside we are bombarded by doctor's and big companies to "use this sunblock it's safe", put this cream on, use this deodorant, eat this, drink that, blah, blah, chemical sh*t storm!
Twenty four year old skin cancer victim.... it's the "SUNS" fault. I call B Effing S! The thing about it is people have survived so long without sunscreen. They were in the sun 90% of the time. Don't tell me the source of life is the reason I have this weird growth! A huge percentage of the population is severely vitamin D deficient! We are inside so much that we are ruining our bodies.
In the last couple of years I have been working very hard at getting rid of stress, learning to let go, to make my well being a priority, to explore and experience life, to get outside and soak up a healthy amount of sunlight. I am trying to improve my life choices. Maybe what I eat is wrong, maybe some people in my life are toxic. Im doing my best to put the right things in my body and on my body as well as remove toxic people.
I can tell you that my skin has improved, my weight has become a much healthier weight, and I have officially made it through 2 full body checks unscathed and skin cancer free. I do not avoid the sun. I avoid stress. I'm a work in progress, I'm doing my best to respect my body and age gracefully. That was a terribly stressful time in my history not to be repeated if I can help it!
Get out in the SUNSHINE! Don't let stress or chemicals destroy you.