Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Home sweet home

Well, it's been awhile, I have been busy Adulting and such. Finally got all the details worked out to get the home my ex and I had refinanced into just my name. Moved in December 1, 2015, and the work to update the interior hasn't stopped. It's taking awhile but, that's what happens when you also have to work full time. My sweet boyfriend Matt has worked so hard and never complains one bit. So here's a break down in pictures of what's happened;

So the kitchen is mostly done. Now we are working on the dining room, living room, and mud room. The walls are painted, carpet is out new floors going in and fireplace being redone. Have a look:

We live in a construction zone but, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I've worked hard for this place I call home. Just wanted to post as an update and a memory to look back at. 
I highly recommend giving your home some tlc. Paint is cheap if you can't do anything else! Get out there and create some sunshine indoors for yourself! :)