Monday, October 5, 2015

2 years in a row skin cancer free

At the age of 24 I was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma. It's a very common form of skin cancer usually found in much older adults. It is slow growing and very treatable. Though, If left untreated, it could spread and cause problems.

So, how did I get it? Well, honestly, I was told it was from too much sun but I believe that it's from STRESS, the amount of CHEMICALS found in everything we ingest and put on our body, and only a small percentage from the sun.

Stress does so much to a body and you may never even realize it. When you stress your body's automatic response is to release adrenaline because it thinks it's a fight, or flight situation. For a short period of time your immune system increases, your muscles contract and your entire body prepares itself against harm. Your body has no idea what's really going on. In the long run you become fatigued and susceptible to sickness because your body can't stay in a constant fight or flight mode. Your healthy gut flora has been depleted, your immune system is shot, you are constantly sore, you may not sleep well, you may be eating/over eating less than benificial foods, maybe you're not even eating at all and you're mentally and emotionally exhausted. You've just opened the door for illness.

The meds you just picked up from the doc will help, right? They might mask or reduce symptoms for the time being, but in reality, you just killed any good bacteria left in your already fragile body.
So you continue to make poor food choices, not sleep well, and create a perfect environment for unwelcome guests. On top of what's going on inside we are bombarded by doctor's and big companies to "use this sunblock it's safe", put this cream on, use this deodorant, eat this, drink that, blah, blah, chemical sh*t storm!

Twenty four year old skin cancer victim.... it's the "SUNS" fault. I call B Effing S! The thing about it is people have survived so long without sunscreen. They were in the sun 90% of the time. Don't tell me the source of life is the reason I have this weird growth! A huge percentage of the population is severely vitamin D deficient! We are inside so much that we are ruining our bodies.

In the last couple of years I have been working very hard at getting rid of stress, learning to let go, to make my well being a priority, to explore and experience life, to get outside and soak up a healthy amount of sunlight. I am trying to improve my life choices. Maybe what I eat is wrong, maybe some people in my life are toxic. Im doing my best to put the right things in my body and on my body as well as remove toxic people.

I can tell you that my skin has improved, my weight has become a much healthier weight, and I have officially made it through 2 full body checks unscathed and skin cancer free. I do not avoid the sun. I avoid stress. I'm a work in progress, I'm doing my best to respect my body and age gracefully. That was a terribly stressful time in my history not to be repeated if I can help it!

Get out in the SUNSHINE! Don't let stress or chemicals destroy you.

Friday, September 25, 2015


I would like to have a discussion about family. What it means to me. What my interpretation of it is, and what I think it should be.

I was raised in Colorado with my parents and siblings. We moved here when I was a baby. My grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins are mostly in Michigan.

To me family is unbelievably important. Family by no means has to do with blood, it's about people who show up in your life and are always there for you no matter what. The people the truly love you and respect you as a human. Family should feel like a community. Blood and non blood family is so important. These people have a history to share. They have love to give. They are our foudation, our stability, the glue that holds us together. Family should be cherished and always shown love and respect.

I've always had the utmost respect for my grandparents, I cherish every moment God has granted me to have with them. I have absolutely no idea why some people don't show respect and cherish their grandparents. They have so much knowledge, history and love to share. At least mine did and do. It bothers me when people act annoyed or like they are a burden. Show some respect, listen to them, love them. They will be gone before you know it.
My mom's mom passed when I was 14. I deeply cherish the memories I have of her. I can still hear her giggle, and remember every detail of her kind, always smiling face. I remember curling the tiny bit of hair she had grown back after her final round of chemo. She was so happy to let us pamper her.
My mom's father passed when I was 19. He was a joker and always working. He had strong opinions and loved to debate. I will never forget the last time I saw him. It was hard to see someone who I remember being so strong look so weak. 

My dad's parents are both still very alive and pretty darn healthy. I have so many beautiful memories with them. They are kind loving never judgmental and always supportive. They have beautiful stories to share. Grandma always makes the most delicious treats and Grandpa is always making beautiful things in his workshop. I am so thankful my son has been able to meet them and see where my family lives this summer.

Unfortunately I haven't had lots of time with my aunts, uncles, or cousins. I have awesome memories of all of them with the exception of a couple cousins I haven't yet met. Somewhere along the road of life distance has come between some of my family. I don't understand it, but luckily this week I've been able to have some time with some cousins I haven't seen in years. We've been able to share stories and reconnect. It's been so fun!

I hope all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins know how much they mean even though there is a lot of distance and years between us. Maybe someday we will all cross paths again.
I hope my non blood family members know how much I cherish and appreciate them. Life without you all would feel incomplete.

To the people reading this, take some time to share love with your grandparents. Don't act annoyed, show some respect. Cherish your time with blood relatives. Recognize the people who aren't blood related that have come into your life and filled a void in your world, they are sometimes more family than your actual family. No matter how long it's been or what may have come between you and family, have an open heart. We all have weirdos that we'd rather not claim, give them kindness and love anyway.

I recognize that there are times when we absolutely have to cut people out of our lives. Try to let them be, don't judge. Always offer a smile and love of you cross paths. Don't let yourself become bitter.

Spread some SUNSHINE!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Your perception may not be mine.

Opinions, perceptions, and judgments. We all have our own, but they can get us into sticky situations.

We are all taught from the time that we were born not to judge. Yet, on the other hand we are told that we have an undeniable freedom to have our own opinion and voice about everything. So, how do we not judge?

I can have an opinion about a subject and get on the internet real fast to find tons of articles supporting why I think my opinion is right. On the other hand, a person who differs in opinion from me can get on the internet and find millions of reasons why I'm wrong.

That's life. We are all different. I want to be different. If we all had the same beliefs and opinions how horrible would that be?

When you are faced with a difference in perception or opinion, try your best to not jump into being defensive. This is where you should be able to have a mature conversation. You might learn something new! Just because you believe you are fully educated on a subject doesn't mean that you are. Remember there are two sides to every story. Becoming heated before you even hear the other side could make you say something you may regret. You may seriously hurt or offend people.

Be open and give people a chance. Ultimately what you believe is best for you is what you should do. But being open can bring a different perspective. Maybe you will learn something new. Don't shut people down. Don't say hurtful things.

Remember, a statement of FACT can be proved TRUE or FALSE. A statement of OPINION is what someone believes or thinks. There may or may not be a good reason to think this way. Words that give you clues that a statement is an opinion are believe, like, and should.

Never stop learning. Keep growing as an adult. Listen, be kind. Learn to debate and be level headed. Never be like everyone else. Keep your beliefs true to your heart. Remember facts are facts. Your right may be someone else's wrong. That's okay. Don't judge others for not seeing things your way.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Am I a good mom?

Gosh, this is a tough subject, being a mom is tough. I find myself questioning myself a lot as a mother.

Let me share a little bit about myself; I am a recently divorced woman with a 7 year old boy. I am not a victim, ending the marriage was my choice. Deep in my heart I knew it was for the best. I share 50/50 custody with his father who is a good, involved father to our son. I don't consider myself a single mother. I have support from my ex, my family and his family when it comes to parenting. I am a single woman.

What makes me feel like a bad mom is the fact that for my son's entire life I have worked 2 pm to 10:30 pm. I have rarely put him to bed, I have missed out on most after school activities, I don't get to cook him dinner, we don't get to do homework together. On school days I see him in the morning for 1 hour and 15 minutes .... that's it. Summertime is a bit better. We have mornings to play and hang out together.... BUT.....When it's time for me to head out for work it's a completely different story. He BEGS me to call and tell my boss I can't work anymore. He hangs on my arms and legs or hugs me and won't let go. I can't blame him, I want more time too. I only have him Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and every other Saturday.

He has a tablet with an app that allows him to call my cell phone. Some nights he calls me crying because he misses me so much. Do you know how painful it is to hold back tears while trying my best to soothe him and make sure he knows how much he is loved over the phone? It's absolutely gut wrenching.

I'm doing what I have to do so I can provide. I want all the moms reading this who can relate to know you are not a bad mom. I am not a bad mom. I am providing for my child. I am doing my best every single day.  It doesn't matter if you are married or not. We all are trying our best.

My time has finally come! I have been blessed with the opportunity to work 8:30 am to 5 pm. I get to be a mom! I get to cook and help with homework! Telling my son that I get to work while he is at school and be home for him at night made some of the guilt go away. He is extremely excited and beyond happy and so am I.

You're a good mom. It is so hard, but it's worth it!

Monday, July 6, 2015

So Fresh & So Green Green!

Camping in a valley between a handful of 13ers & 14ers in the Colorado Rockies next to lush green fields alive with gorgeous butterflies, colorful wildflowers and rapidly moving babbling creek engorged with the last of the mountain run off reminds me of how small we are in the scope of life....

A lot of people grow up in cities and NEVER get into nature their entire time in this world. If it's not your thing, that's fine.

I would like to encourage the human species as a whole to stop and look around. If you live in a concrete jungle, look at it....grab a chair step back from your computer or TV, sit down and look at your environment. When is the last time you thought about the world around you instead of just you in your own little world? Those buildings, the roads, sidewalks, people walking by and so on. Sit on your balcony or deck or whatever you have access to and watch the world if you don't have the time or means to escape. 

The weight of our own little world is, at times, mentally and physically painful. Disconnect from electronics for a day or two. Take an extra day off work, pick a spot on a map that's at least a couple of hours away and go. I promise your mind will recharge and life will feel a little bit better.

I did just that this weekend over the 4th of July. Friday was a paid day off at my work, thankfully. But 3 days off wasn't enough. I knew I needed to disconnect, to recharge my battery, get away and unwind so I took Thursday and Monday off as well. My sweet boyfriend was in the same boat, needing a recharge so, we loaded up the Subie and headed out.

A 3 hour drive landed us at a breathtaking camp site recommend by a friend. Wow...just wow! I felt world's away from what was weighing me down. The beauty of this planet is a gift.

After 3 awesome days camping it was time to head home. We decided to check out Aspen, CO since it was kind of close. We drove over Independence Pass which is only open part of the year. Independence Pass is on the continental divide on a very high point in the Rocky Mountains. 

For very little money I had a beautiful get away and never even left my state. Get out there people! Find all the gorgeous places where you live. Turn off your electronics. Recharge your mental battery. Sit outside in the SUNSHINE! 

Monday, June 29, 2015

I am not blind....but I am blind.

I'm not really blind, I can see, but I am blind to a human being's ethnicity, financial status, gender, and sexual preference. I am not blind to the LACK of manners, morals, respect, empathy, and love being tossed around so freely. WTH happened to it all? Why does everyone feel so entitled to be so easily offended?

Your body, whatever it may look like, is your vehicle while you are in this world. It is not for anyone else. Your beliefs are between you, your peers who hold the same beliefs, and whatever you see as your creator. Guess what!? We as humans will never see eye to eye on many things. Like it or not we are all in this world fighting the same battle every day. That battle is to keep living. You see, on the inside we all look the same. Tissue, organs, blood, bones and so on. We severely lack a respect for what happens in us to keep us alive. Sure, outside of our bodies is a different kind of fight for survival, accidents and violence are truly abundant. Let's face it, that will never stop. Tragedy is a plague for which there is no cure, you will face death, physical, and mental destruction, health problems, judgment, and wounds that may never heal.

You have two options get up face the grueling reality of our world and take it on doing your part to try to ease the burden of being human; or sit there and be part of that overwhelming burden.

I watched a video today that was on my Facebook feed, it was down right disgusting. I want to remind you that for me, ethnicity and gender have not one thing to do with the way it made me feel.  Shame on these humans for filming this and posting it on the internet. Why do so many humans think that this is okay? The freedoms we have here to be what and who we want have started to turn into a circus for the rest of the world to see. No filter, no love for self no respect for others. No compassion what so ever. It just turned into a "bear it all because who cares its my right" "my feelings are hurt" "you offend me" society. A CHILD was involved and these humans treat him/her and the females that are responsible for the well being of the child like garbage. This is a link to the video it is hard to watch if you haven't already seen it.

I hope whomever raised these people DID NOT teach them to act like that. My parents sure as heck didn't. I was raised to show love and compassion to everyone. I was disciplined appropriately.

These people, I'm sure, have parents or guardians that work very hard to supply the clothes on their backs and the shoes on their feet. Yet they seem selfish and rude just like spoiled little children. They obviously are desperate for attention and probably love. They have no idea how easy they have it here. They need to put their hands and minds to use for something good. I'm afraid the United States of America has created monsters. All because we are so offended, sensitive, selfish, and ungrateful.

I would like to challenge families with young children to teach them more love and compassion, more respect for the planet and all the beings on it. Discipline them with an appropriate spanking. Set boundaries. Teach them how to be a productive part of society. To the families with older children, I challenge you to find something productive for idol hands and minds. Make them get involved in helping out in your community, find a program for them to join. Don't make it so easy for them to get out and be disruptive. Make them work hard for things.